Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Blog 18: Fourth Interview Preperation

1. What types of study helps to prepare for trial?

2. What would you recommend I study prior to law school?

3. Why would you recommend these to study?

4. How does the jury selection work from what you've seen?

5. What does the lawyer do during that process?

6. What elements play into the jury selection?

7. Why are these elements so important?

8. How long does this process normally take?

9. Why would it take this long?

10. What tends to be the biggest emotional motivator in trial?

11. How much detail do the lawyers go into about their client?

12. How much detail about the case?

13. Are there ever any instances where they neglect the cases facts, if so why?

14. What have you heard from lawyers in trial that seem insignificant?

15. What factors can truly turn the case around?

16. What little things in court make a big difference?

17. Why would these have a big difference in the case?

18. How can attacking someone's character really help your case?

19. How moral would that be?

20. Why does morality seem to be left out in cases?

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